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Established market leader in flameproofing of diesel engine powered machines

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Diesel Flameproof Equipment (Pty) Ltd trading as “Elgin Flameproofing”

based in Jet Park, Boksburg, Gauteng South Africa

We are an established market leader primarily in the flameproofing of diesel engine powered OEM machines and diesel engine power packs that operate both in underground mining and surface hazardous explosive areas.

How our tractor product evolved
Elgin’s flameproof tow tractors have evolved from initially modifying a standard agricultural tractor through the fitment of a diesel engine flameproof system and simple flameproof electrical and starter systems to our current Elgin designed and manufactured approved six-cylinder 4×4 automatic flameproof tractors for both low and high seam coal mining applications.
Our Certex certification
We are a Certex approved and audited mark holder for the manufacturing and the repair of diesel engine flameproof systems and flameproof electrical components.
What standards do we comply with?
SANS 868 – 1; 2 and 3: 2005
Compression ignition engine systems and machines powered by such engine systems, for use in mines and plants with explosive gas atmospheres or dust atmospheres or both”.
Part 1-1: Hazardous locations in underground mines: Basic explosion protection engines
Part 1-2: Hazardous locations in underground mines: Explosion protection engine systems
Part 1-3: Hazardous locations in underground mines: Machines

SANS 60079-0: 2005 / IEC 60079-1
Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres”.
Part 0: General requirements.
Part 1: Flameproof enclosures “d”.

Elgin’s flameproof tow tractors

In late 2022, Elgin Flameproofing became a member of the COALSEAM family.

All development carried out by Elgin is done with the involvement and approval of both the diesel engine OEM’s and machine OEM’s.

All full flameproof systems and flameproof components manufactured and supplied by Elgin Flameproofing have been tested and certified for use by South African Approved Test and Inspection Authorities as well as the Department of Minerals and Resources (DMR).


Full specialised technical product support field service on our Elgin tractors and Elgin flameproof systems fitted to OEM machinery.



Get in Touch


32 Patrick Road, Jet Park, Boksburg, 1459,
Gauteng, South Africa 


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